About us


“Established as one of the most prestigious ‎consumer electronics distributor in Jeddah and ‎continuously expanding across the Kingdom, ‎UMG brings the world-leading consumer ‎electronics and home appliances brands to ‎every household in KSA.”

United Matbouli Group (UMG) is one of the prominent players in the Kingdom’s consumer electronics market. Established in early 1990s, we have grown over a journey of almost 3 decades, learning through and building a brand reputation as one of the leading family-owned electronics distribution companies in Saudi Arabia.

We carry a legacy, a responsibility and commitment to build a strong market base for brands we distribute across the Kingdom. Armed with a network of 11 strategically located branches, sophisticated warehousing facilities, 11 service centers, modern fleet of vehicles and 23 brand shops in the Kingdom, UMG has proven to be a strategic partner for the world’s leading electronics company, Samsung. With our inherent ability to be agile and the relentless pursuit of market growth, UMG became the sole distributor for Samsung Consumer Electronics in 1991.

At the center of our world lies our customers. The concept of excellence in customer service is the driving force behind every decision we make. Nurturing our relationship with household consumers, UMG signed an agency agreement with a leading Italian home appliance brand, Tecnogas in 2013.

Today, we take pride in being a leading customer-centric electronics distribution company in Saudi Arabia.


To bring the leading electronics brands into the ‎Kingdom and deliver quality products and after-‎sales services to our consumers, catering to their ‎individual needs.‎


We aspire to become the most preferred company ‎among the distributors of consumer electronics ‎and home appliances in Saudi Arabia.‎

Core Values

Shopper Experience: Providing an outstanding shopper experience ‎through UMG brand stores and partner network.‎

Customer Satisfaction: Being at the heart of whatever we do, our ‎customers enable us to become uncontested, leading service provider in ‎the consumer market segment.

Valued Partnerships: Building valued partnerships with our dealers has ‎enable us to go above and beyond the conventions, while establishing a ‎strong market base for all our brands.‎


1952 Established as a brainchild of Sheikh Mahmoud Matbouli and Sheikh ‎Sulaiman Zagzoug in Jeddah, KSA.‎
1991 Signing of agency agreement with Samsung Electronics.
1997 Separation of co-founders and establishment of United Matbouli ‎Group (UMG) with a paid-up capital of SAR 80 Million. ‎
Signing of agency agreement with Terim S.P.A., Italy.‎
2004 Eng. Adnan Matbouli appointed as the new CEO.‎
2005 Increase in share capital to SAR 140 Million.‎
2007 UMG announces revenues of SAR 597 Million with a net income of SAR ‎‎10.9 Million.‎
2008 Samsung Customer Service Plaza provides one-stop service ‎convenience for the residents of Riyadh.‎
Samsung launches its new full LCD TV line-up in KSA.‎
2009 Samsung launches its new HD TV flat panels in the Saudi market. ‎
UMG revenues increase by 25% due to a rise in demand of ‎Samsung TV.‎
2010 Jadwa agreement signed.
2013 Signing of agency agreement with Tecnogas.‎

Message from the Chairman

I welcome you on behalf of the United Matbouli Group.‎

United Matbouli Group (UMG) has gained a market reputation for ‎being the leading consumer electronics distribution brand over the last ‎few decades. We carry not just the world-leading brands in our ‎portfolio, but the most committed crew that works day and night to ‎fuel corporate growth and develop a community of happy consumers ‎within the Kingdom.‎

We achieved several milestones in our history, all of which can be ‎attributed to our commitment towards being customer-centric ‎company. Be it a launch of latest technological innovation or servicing ‎our customers at all times, UMG adds value to the lives of millions of ‎people in our society. It allows us to take pride in being one of the ‎leading family-driven businesses with a never-ending grit to drive the ‎consumer electronics distribution and retail industry in the Kingdom ‎and add value for all our stakeholders.‎

Our success is leveraged by having young Saudis as part of our UMG ‎family, whom we believe are fully capable of turning our core ‎strategies into actions and initiatives which are in line with the Saudi ‎Vision 2030 programs. ‎

We are truly honored to have served the Kingdom for over 3 decades, ‎by contributing to our society and economy. ‎

Welcoming you all to share insights on how we can serve you better.‎

Best Regards,
Eng. Adnan Matbouli
Chairman of the Board

Our Branches

UMG has lived and built experiences over the years. It has flourished and grown into an extensive network that has maintained long-term, trustworthy stakeholder relationships. Be a part of our experience by visiting our widely spread network of 23 brand shops and 11 branches throughout the Kingdom.

Branch Shops

Our Service Centers

Our authorized service provider company TSM offers its services ‎through a network of 11 service centers across the Kingdom. All our ‎Samsung and Tecnogas consumers can get the service and ‎maintenance done through TSM.‎

As part of the shared vision towards service excellence, TSM ensures ‎that your products are handled only by qualified technicians, capable ‎of servicing Samsung and Tecnogas quality products.‎

City Location Telephone
Jeddah Ruwais Dist. Matbouli Plaza 8002477722
Makkah Charity warehouses area
Madinah Prince Abdumajeed St.hozam St.
Al-Baha King Abdulaziz St
Riyadh Aziziah Dist. Kahrj St
Qassim Buraida _ Al shahinat Road
Tabuk King Abdulaziz St
Khamis Mushait King Fahd St
Jizan King Fahd St
Qateef Al-Quds St
Dammam Khalidiah St

At a Glance

10 Branch
Present Across Key Cities
11 Service
Providing Prompt Service

Our Companies

With an impending revolution of modern communications technology, ‎UMG realized a need for an independent body to distribute Samsung ‎mobile phones and digital devices. ‎ Since its inception in 2001, FMP has focused on marketing its ‎products through the latest techniques and building a robust ‎infrastructure through which these products could be marketed. It has ‎built a strong brand equity and large market share that makes ‎Samsung mobiles a pioneer brand in the market. FMP continues to ‎grow, establishing more than seven branches and maintenance ‎centers all over the Kingdom. ‎

Established under UMG in 2004, Electro Store is one of the biggest retailer in ‎Saudi Arabia. It has become a retail experience destination for consumer ‎electronics and home appliances brands. With a product range including TV, ‎audio systems, smart phones, ICT gadgets, cameras, home appliances, ‎personal care products and the latest digital technologies. Its primary goal is to ‎ensure all leading international brands are available to the public; in-store and ‎online.‎

Being the number one customer service company in the consumer ‎electronics sector, UMG launched its after-sales services and repairs ‎arm TSM. With TSM, all our customers can avail multiple perks and ‎efficient services when it comes to maintenance or any support ‎facilities. ‎ With service facilities at 11 convenient locations across the Kingdom, ‎TSM will also provide with on-call home service by highly qualified ‎teams while maintaining service during the holidays and other ‎occasions as well. Maintenance, repair or adjustment of products will ‎be received within 72 hours of being received at the center and free ‎maintenance and spare parts will be provided under warranty. ‎Additional services such as pre-screening services will be offered for ‎institutional customers that include hospitals, schools, etc. Service ‎calls will also be at availability without any costs. ‎

Matbouli Sound & Communications (MS&C) is a leading supplier, installer and ‎integrator of low-current systems for both professional and high-end consumer ‎markets. Under the UMG umbrella, the company is trusted to provide one of ‎the industry’s most comprehensive product line for audio, video, security and ‎safety systems.‎

www.fmp.com.sa Matbouli Plaza, 7041 Fayd As Samaa, Al-Ruwais, Jeddah 21421 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
www.electrostores.com Matbouli Plaza, 7041 Fayd As Samaa, Al-Ruwais, Jeddah 21421 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
www.twitter.com/umg_care Matbouli Plaza, 7041 Fayd As Samaa, Al-Ruwais, Jeddah 21421 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
www.matboulisc.com Matbouli Plaza, 7041 Fayd As Samaa, Al-Ruwais, Jeddah 21421 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Our Brands

Samsung is an internationally recognized consumer electronics brand holding ‎top global market share since 2006 and is known as unrivaled leading ‎manufacturer of TVs. Addressing the growing demand for high-end technology ‎in the Kingdom, UMG concerted its efforts to position Samsung as the market ‎leader among consumer electronics sector in Saudi Arabia. We are ‎continuously expanding our market reach to bring Samsung quality products to ‎all the households across the Kingdom.‎

Established over 60 years ago by the Contini brothers in Italy, Tecnogas ‎emerged as a result of two brothers wanting to transform the traditional stove. ‎Thus, the modern cooker was invented and embraced from people around the ‎globe. Through a perfect blend of design and functionality, Tecnogas ‎technologies met the anticipations of the Saudi clientele.‎

OPPO, is a Chinese leading manufacturer of smartphones, and accessory. It started from China and now expanding all over the world with its promise of quality product. FMP, one of our companies is proud to present it in Saudi Arabia.

Founded 1934 in Kobe, Japan, Toa benefit from 80 years of experience in research, development and international sales and marketing of numerous products in the field of public address systems. Toa strongly believes in creating acoustic sound fields for people to make their lives safer and more pleasant with their expertise. Matbouli Sound & Communications is bringing these solutions across Saudi Arabia.

Admiral is the legacy brand renowned for Consumer and Commercial Appliances. It was one of the first manufacturers of colour televisions which later ventured into key appliances such as refrigerators. Admiral Corporation of America was founded to meet the growing global need for appliances, air conditioning, and electronics. We are continuously expanding our market reach to bring Admiral quality products to all the households across the world.

Westinghouse has been providing innovative, dependable, and high-quality products and customer service for more than a century. From outdoor portable generators that provide power for your home, work, and play moments to high-definition TVs that set new performance standards, constantly developing advanced products and rigorously testing them to ensure they work time after time, day after day. Westinghouse Air Conditioners has been meeting the needs of domestic and foreign customers for over years now

KONKA Group Co., Ltd. founded on May 21st, 1980, was the first sino-foreign joint venture electronic manufacturer upon China's reform and opening. As a large consumer electronics manufacturer with over forty years of industrial existence, KONKA has now started its strategic transformation to become a complex that also functions as an industrial strategic innovator, an industrial real estate developer, an Internet and supply chain service provider. With this strategic transformation undergoing, KONKA now has developed four large business groups including the consumer electronics, the industrial park, as well as the PaaS (platform as a service) & financial investment. KONKA is increasing its strategic investments in several key core technologies such as Micro LED, 8K, AIoT and 5G to ensure its future leadership in the ever-changing global consumer electronics industry.


Latest News

Branching Out: The E-Commerce Way

UMG is expanding its reach and has finally launched a brand new e-commerce website that will be catering to every need of a customer. Planning to reach its clientele more practically, UMG wants customers to have an incredible experience of online shopping without having to leave the comfort of their home and office or even on the go. With fast deliveries and remarkable service, this website really is the next big thing.

UMG – the constant drive towards business excellence.

UMG has always been at the forefront of innovation in processes. Behind each struggle to do better, is one singular question: How can we further enhance the experience of our customers? Watch how using Appian as a low-code automation platform, UMG has been able to improve productivity, operations, and efficiency across the business.

UMG Employees Recognition

All businesses offer products or services. But, those built around people are ones that truly stand to flourish. United Matbouli Group recognizes hard work and value-addition from those who consistently go above and beyond. Seen below, felicitated by Chairman Eng. Adnan Matbouli for their outstanding contributions in 2019 are; Mr. Aman Siddiqui, Mr. Ibrahim Zubair, Mr. Kashif Husain and Mr. Raheel Siddiqui.


Latest Products & Offers

Contact us

Share your thoughts and help us in serving the Kingdom.‎

Type your thoughts in the message box below. ‎

Thank you. How would you like us to get in touch with you?


United Matbouli Group

P.O. Box 556, Jeddah – 21421

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Phone: +966 12 2252222

Locate us



At UMG, we firmly believe that it takes an entire team to build something great . We believe in working together and developing together.

If you find this appealing, we welcome your interest at: http://umg.sa/hr/umg_hr.html